My Books
The Monster Within: Currently prepping to submit to publishers
In three days, Arsenal will lose her free will forever.
Arsenal is a pelofal, a puppet-like gladiator magically piloted by her owner in mortal combat. When her owner dies, Arsenal has an unheard of chance to be free. She must fight through bounty hunters and reach the djulery, the person who magically converts humans into (and hopefully from) pelofal. In three days, the remaining owners will send pelofal to hunt Arsenal. If caught, she will permanently become their puppet.
But Arsenal remembers only the basics about the djulery, the owners, and herself. Details and memories are missing from her mind. In exchange for information, Arsenal accepts an enemy as guide to the djulery. She learns the djulery can’t free her without her owner’s magic device, which controls Arsenal by overriding her free will. Whoever wields the device owns Arsenal. Without it, she will die in two days.
Arsenal doesn’t know what or where the device is. Hounded by bounty hunters, she retraces her owner’s last day alive. Her memories begin to return but contradict what Arsenal knows about her life. With time running out and even her mind working against her, Arsenal must find the device before she loses her free will or her life.
What Literary Agents have said:
"I loved the premise of your pitch. I think you have a very interesting story here..."
"I really love this concept; you have such an interesting magical system and so much room for the character to have a powerful arc."
"The Monster Within has such an intriguing premise. However, I don't believe I'm the right fit for this. I'm passing, with regrets. It's not a craft issue...I truly believe another agent will feel differently, so please don't be discouraged. You're very talented..."
"I enjoyed your writing and was pulled into the story quickly. You have a great style, alongside an engaging world and fierce characters, and I know, based on this story, that your writing career will continue to flourish as you continue to hone your craft...I'm positive you'll find the right agent or editor to champion your work."
"I loved the first 3 chapters of your manuscript. The unreliable nature of Arsenal's memories and the bounty hunters piecemeal information was exceptionally done and intriguing."
Works in Progress
Sequel to The Monster Within, a continuation of Arsenal and Faion's journey.
Chosen, a reworking of the "chosen one" fantasy trope (well, it was WIP in my head. Will get back to it soon)